
Downtown 1958

Downtown 1958

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Dr. Joseph Bach, D.O.

There was little to be found about this fellow, outside of a name in the 1910 city directory that said he "boarded" at 1 Main Street.  At the time, that was the Landgraf Hotel, on the curve where the Brin building now sits. In that directory, there wasn't even a mention of where his business was located.  I've held onto his picture for a few years now, having found it at the public library sometime during one of my research forays, either for the book or the blog. I always thought I'd find more information on him, but even searching for his obituary proved futile as well. 

But today, I'll feature him anyway, if only to honor all of the ordinary, unsung citizens of our little town, those who weren't scions of wealthy families or captains of industry.  Dr. Bach was important enough to have this photo taken in his business environment; think of the untold thousands who never were commemorated in a photo.  They still were a part of Menasha's history.

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