
Downtown 1958

Downtown 1958

Friday, June 28, 2013

July 1985

What can I say about this place that hasn't already been said? 

We all remember the creaky floors of that ol' dime store.  And if I close my eyes, I think I can also recall the smell of the place, too.

Remember when ALL your photographs came back from the photo developers with a date printed in a white border that surrounded the picture?


  1. When I was in first grade at St. Mary's, I got locked in the dime store. I'd go there to look at the toys & didn't notice that the lights went out. I was so short they didn't see me over the displays. When I went to leave, the doors were locked. Some people, who were waiting for a bus, notified a cop who called the manager to open the doors. The cop told me through the doors to take some candy, but I was too scared. He took me home & explained to my parents. Afterward, my uncles would call me "Dimestore Danny".
    Dan Nadolney

  2. That's quite the story, Dan! It sounds like something from a movie or a TV show.
