
Downtown 1958

Downtown 1958

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Buzzing the Ball Field

I found this photo recently in a book celebrating the Fox Valley communities over the last 100 years.  The caption read: "An early 'flying machine' buzzes the Menasha Ball Park in 1925." 

So here's a good example of me trying to decipher dubious photographs when I'm obviously not an expert at it.  I DO have my doubts about this one.  I can't be sure that this is THE Menasha Ball Park I grew up around... you know, the one off Fourth and Racine Streets.  For that matter, I can't be sure of the year either.  1925 seems kind of late for women to be wearing outfits that look like that, but of course, it IS staid, ol' conservative Menasha, so who knows really.  And then, there's the airplane.  It seems rather primitive for the 1920's, considering how modern, say, Lindbergh's plane looked when he crossed the Atlantic in 1927, a mere two years later.  Heck, the airplanes in World War I  had more sturdiness and were more modern than this plane.  This looks like the era of the Wright Brothers, more 1904/1905 or thereabouts frankly. 

Despite all that though, you can't help but marvel at the starkness of the surrounding space, considering how the landscape would become so much more crowded around that area in the coming years.  If indeed, it IS Menasha.  Hopefully, they got that part right. 

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