
Downtown 1958

Downtown 1958

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Beginning Year Eight

Every year it seems I resurrect this postcard to mark another year on the blog.  Today sees the start of year eight.  Those of you who have followed this blog since April 24, 2012 know the secret origins of the blog- that it was conceived to act as a supplement to the Menasha book I wrote in conjunction with the Menasha Historical Society and also to promote it.

Over time, the blog took on a life of its own and now features over 1705 blog posts over those years.  We've covered everything from the historic to the frivolous and some things that were just caught in-between.  On this anniversary day, I thank you wholeheartedly for your interest and support over the years.  Your interactions, requests, and commentary have helped me keep this a joy to work on every day.  Again, let me offer my thank yous to all of you dedicated enough to stick by me as I trudge along.