
Downtown 1958

Downtown 1958

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Famous Mentalist

 March 7, 1930, Menasha Record

 March 14, 1930, Menasha Record

People have always had an interest in mentalists and fortune tellers.  It's just human nature to want to know the unknown.  And for as many believers as there are out there, there are likely just as many discounters.  For example, the famous magician and escape artist Harry Houdini was a big skeptic of the trend.  But in spite of big name doubters, the trick could still bring in the crowds, as evidenced here at the Brin in 1930.  And having one of the star attractions give out answers for free?  Why that was a terrific way to get folks into the actual performance.  

1 comment:

  1. My Grandma told me the story of twin girls that predicted the Gilbert paper mill fire. They actually went inside to tell them but they wouldn't listen. Sure enough there was a fire. I don't know what year it was though. They became physics in the area
