
Downtown 1958

Downtown 1958

Monday, June 12, 2023

Daily Trips and Deposit Your Money

June 18, 1923, Menasha Record

We start off the week with a couple of stalwart businesses of Menasha in the heart of downtown.  The bank was on Main Street obviously and the transfer company resided on Chute Street, after originally being on Tayco Street.  In retrospect, it seems odd that the bank felt the need to sell the idea of a bank account to potential customers but that what was needed as mistrust of banking institutions had a long history.

1 comment:

  1. I worked at the First National Bank of Menasha during the 1980s, including the bank's centennial in 1987, so I love seeing these old advertisements. Suzanne Hart O'Regan's lovely book about the bank's history, titled Dimes into Dollars: A Pictorial History of One Hundred Years of the First National Bank of Menasha is a wonderful book with a treasure trove of historical information and photos.
