
Downtown 1958

Downtown 1958

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

It's Tax Time

March 11, 1968, Twin City News-Record

Okay, these items were available at Jandrey's in Neenah...but hey, that's right next door and you were going to shop there anyway if a bargain was available.  That adding machine looks like a behemoth, considering the state of electronic calculators currently.  We all have one on our cell phones today, which makes even the cheapest Casio or TI device redundant.  But at least this model was all electric and that was rather modern for 1968.  It didn't require that handle you'd pull down to make it work.  You'd get enough physical action from pushing the carriage on that manual typewriter shown in the same ad.  Progress.

1 comment:

  1. There are some new Menasha photos on the NHS Flickr page.
