
Downtown 1958

Downtown 1958

Friday, December 20, 2019

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from me to you.  I am going to take some time off to be with family and enjoy the season. And to finish my shopping!  I hope the last 12 months have been good to you, but if not, my wish is that this holiday season will help you salvage some good of what's left of the year. 

Enjoy your families and your time off.  I will strive myself to remember the real meaning of Christmas, for as someone once told me, if Christmas isn't found in our hearts, if won't be found under a tree. 

I am thankful for you, my dear readers who have kept up with me all these years.  I so greatly appreciate your support, your contributions, and your friendship.  I hope to return to this on December 30th.  Let's set the stage to share some more Menasha memories in 2020.  See you then!


  1. Merry Christmas, Dave...and thank you so much for your dedication to getting our history out there. ��

  2. Merry Christmas, David from our family to yours. Just curious, I can't remember if I've asked this or not, I went to school with a Holly Galassie. Might you be related? You can PM me so I get your reply.
