
Downtown 1958

Downtown 1958

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

November 12, 1964, Oshkosh Northwestern

I'm taking the remainder of the week off from the blog to spend time with family.  And in keeping with the holiday, let me bestow my thanks to you, dear readers, for your unflagging support of this blog.  Your interest, enthusiasm, and support make it all worthwhile.  I'll be back Monday, December 2nd.  Happy Thanksgiving!

But before I go though, let me share some exciting news!  Recently I published another book.  And although this one doesn't apply to our beloved city or its nearby environs, I took just as much care on this one as I did with the two Menasha titles.  Living in South Carolina as I do and having worked at Fort Jackson the last 24+ years, I felt a distinct kinship with my new home.  And having had a little bit of experience with this book thing since 2012, I managed to put together a volume devoted to Fort Jackson's history as the Army's premier basic training facility.

For the record, the book is available at all the usual haunts:  Amazon,com, Barnes and,, etc.  Not that there's any connection with Menasha besides yours truly, but for the military history buff, I'm sure there's enough there to satisfy that itch.


  1. I hope you covered D Company 548 Engineer Battalion Combat Heavy. We built the first "Victory" Tower back in 1976.

  2. Congratulations on the new book. Have a great Thanksgiving holiday David.

  3. How wonderful! Congratulations! I always enjoy your posting, in fact it's my Friday treat when I get home from work!
