
Downtown 1958

Downtown 1958

Thursday, September 19, 2013

1910 Business Directory

For the more serious students of history out there, I provide to you the 1910 business directory for the city of Menasha.  Documents such as this directory are a valuable historical resource, as well as a fascinating window into a world gone by.

A few observations about this directory- notice all the neighborhood grocers on page 2 and the many meat markets on page 3.  This was an era where every neighborhood seemed to have a corner store, but meats mostly came from the butcher shop.  One stop shopping came much later.  On page 3, examine the list of "Sample Rooms."  Yes, this was a euphemism for a tavern, or at least, someplace to get a drink, like the Hotel Menasha or the other hotels in town.  The undertaker on page 4, was also a furniture business, somewhat fitting considering the construction of caskets and the like.   Lots of familiar names and businesses throughout this document, and seeing as how it's 1910, there are still lots of old era endeavors that don't have a place in today's world, i.e., blacksmiths, feed stables, harness makers, livery, and wagon repair, with nary a mention of motor cars, save for a listing under "Garage." 

1 comment:

  1. I used to live in the apartment above 163 Main St. It's neat seeing what that building was in the past.
