I am taking a break from the blog until after the New Year, so please accept my fondest wishes for a terrific holiday season. Spend time with your loved ones if you can, recharge your batteries, and live in the moment. Thank you for suppporting this endeavor; I appreciate each and every one of you!
A blog which supplements my two books, Menasha, and Neenah and Menasha: Twin Cities of the Fox Valley
Downtown 1958

Monday, December 23, 2024
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I am taking a break from the blog until after the New Year, so please accept my fondest wishes for a terrific holiday season. Spend time with your loved ones if you can, recharge your batteries, and live in the moment. Thank you for suppporting this endeavor; I appreciate each and every one of you!
Friday, December 20, 2024
Hair Work
December 26, 1878, Saturday Evening Press
Frankly, I had never heard of such a thing until good friend Google let me know that this was a big deal in the late 19th century. Follow this link to see some examples: https://mb.nawcc.org/threads/human-hair-watch-chains-1870-1900-era.128889/
The things you learn from doing this job, lol....
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Christmas Candy by the Pail
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Valley Fair Stands Ready and Willing...
December 2, 1961, Appleton Post-Crescent
Here at the blog, regular readers know that the blogmeister loves himself some Valley Fair memories from way back. So he was thrilled to find this shot of the center court in all its geometric glory to offer his readers. Many a Christmas shopping trip began...and ended there.
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
A New Kind of Hobby
December 29, 1963, Appleton Post-Crescent
Mr. Kurowski's hobby reminds me of ham radio operators who mail each other postcards to acknowledge their contacts. And it's also reminiscent of having a pen pal. I had known of service members who would exchange audio tapes with family members during long absences from home. But I didn't know there was an established hobby with its own label for its members...tapespondents.
Monday, December 16, 2024
Sales Mart
December 12, 1959, Appleton Post-Crescent
Long time readers of this blog know that this was an airplane hangar at the George Whiting Airport dating back to the 1920's. When I was growing up in the 60's, this building was a Goodwill. Later it became a Kitz and Pfeil hardware, which it remains today. I never knew what evolved out of that airport over the years, but this photo fills in some of that gap. Gotta love the old cars.
Friday, December 13, 2024
Holiday Dreams?
December 23, 1939, Menasha Record
I've spent considerable time thinking about what this represents (really, too much time, lol). Is this some kind of hangover fever dream from imbibing too much Walter Bros. beer? Is Santa taunting him with a necktie for Christmas because he has enough ties to stock a clothier and he wants virtually anything else? Or is it some subtle reminder that his shopping isn't completed? And why is Santa flying (with wings) like an angel? Christmas minded blog masters want to know.
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Eagles Party
December 24, 1947, Appleton Post-Crescent
Santa looks like he needs a little meat on his bones during the Eagles party at the Brin. Regardless of Santa looking like he'd been using Ozempic, these kids weren't having it. Even if he'd appeared in Bermuda shorts, no matter, ol' Santa would still have gotten the job done.
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Bedeck Your Home...
December 17, 1947, Menasha Record
Santa's little elves have been working overtime as agents of Linsdau Florists to make your home presentable in time for Christmas. Many years later, these elves will be notable for residing "on a shelf" and keeping all good little children in line with their surveillance skills.
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Poor Mother
Monday, December 9, 2024
Bonus Feature This Week
November 24, 1965, Neenah-Menasha Daily Northwestern
Seeing as it is still in the vicinity of our recent Thanksgiving holiday, I dare to cross backwards into November to remind all of our blog readers of the famous Hotel Menasha smorgasbord. Dare I say a $1.35 feast even in this year of 1965 sounds like a bargain. And with the special dispensation of the bishop, one can definitely put the thoughts of leftover turkey behind with meaty Macaroni and Lasagna.
Monday, November 18, 2024
I'm taking a brief hiatus from the blog to address some health issues. I'll be back as soon as it is practicable. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
Friday, November 15, 2024
Point Not Well Taken
November 8, 1894, Appleton Post
The Appleton newspaper takes the high road in not revealing the names of shoe shoplifters from Menasha. Principled or not, this is the type of shenanigans newspapers used to engage in when they were the only media around and had a captive audience. Whatever the outcome and who's side you are on, it seems positively quaint that the Menasha newspaper was concerned about Appleton's paper casting aspersions upon the entire citizenry of Menasha. Nowadays, it seems like social decorum has gone the way of the dinosaur, what with the constant name calling by politicians and social media where nothing is sacred anymore.
Thursday, November 14, 2024
It's a Tie!
November 4, 1973, Appleton Post-Crescent
While the outcome probably eased whatever tensions there were leading up to the contest, the outcome likely knocked the Zephyrs out of contention for a state berth. Still, the estimated 3,000 fans in attendance had a thrilling time.
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Historic Clash
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Veterans Day II
Monday, November 11, 2024
Veterans Day
Friday, November 8, 2024
Frozen Unbaked
November 24, 1964, Twin City News-Record
I realize it's early but I'm in a Thanksgiving mood! And there's no time like the present to prepare for the big day. Thinking of those hot dinner rolls with melting butter on my plate...mmm!
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Quick Draw McGraw
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Try This On For Size
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Monday, November 4, 2024
Youthful Crime Wave
November 18, 1938, Menasha Record
We've had reports of youthful criminal gangs before in the blog, but this crew seems to have been well organized and yes, well-travelled. One wonders if they eventually were scared straight or continued their criminal ways. With World War II in the offing a few years hence, it's a good chance some of them may have been given the choice of jail or service. And that might have been just the discipline needed to turn their lives around.
Friday, November 1, 2024
November 2, 1931, Menasha Record
Presumably we have two sides of the coin represented here. One side says it was a "quiet affair" (Neenah?) while Menasha has a Halloween "toll." Interesting contrast. Notice the olde timey spelling for "Hallowe'en."
Thursday, October 31, 2024
Charitable Cause
October 29, 1963, Twin City News-Record
We've covered collections for UNICEF a few weeks ago. But every autumn brings certain rites of passage- cooler temperatures, Halloween, and the falling of leaves. And as bothersome as it might be to have to rake the yard and bag up the leaves, it seems incongruous to make an extra effort to haul them somewhere else (across the street to the park?) and then dump them so they become somebody else's responsibility. Aren't you adding extra work for yourself to haul them across the street instead of just bagging them and being done with it? Who knows what thoughts go through the heads of homeowners trying to make things look good.
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Show and Tell
October 11, 1973, Neenah-Menasha Daily Northwestern
As if it wasn't already cool enough to have fathers who were members of the fire department, to then get them to come to school and use you as part of their presentation on Show and Tell Day, had to be the coolest thing ever.
Monday, October 28, 2024
Merry, Scarey
October 28, 1963, Twin City News-Record
Count on Bowlby's to be your Halloween headquarters for 1963. Masks, makeup, favors, and sweets, a one stop operation for all your needs. Still time to get ready before the big night on the 31st.
Friday, October 25, 2024
News and Views
October 21, 1913, Menasha Record
Interesting stories on this day in 1913, car accidents, school events, an early winter storm. All the news that's fit to print, and to be read by Menasha Record subscribers.
Thursday, October 24, 2024
A Moo-ving Experience
October 13, 1980, Twin City News-Record
Forgive me for the pun-nish title, but then again, the sophomore class had no problems with the use of the "udder" word. School spirit at its finest.
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
October 11, 1930, Menasha Record
From the same issue of the Record that described the coromorant sightings and the movement of the boxcars to watch football games, comes this story. This type of incident was the type of thing my parents warned me about when I would sometimes visit (illegally) the Badger quarry behind my grandparents' house on Airport Road while they visited on certain Sundays. I can't believe some of the things I did as a kid.
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
A Tie
October 14, 1950, Appleton Post-Crescent
Menasha and Neenah play to a 13-13 tie, and on Friday the 13th, no less! The whole page is a study in the past. The female fans wearing scarves on their heads, or "kerchiefs" as my Mom was wont to say. Add that to the facemask-less helmets the players wore and you know you are somewhere in the past. (By the way, Mom also called our couch a "davenport.")
Monday, October 21, 2024
October 11, 1930, Menasha Record
I'm taking it that the Menasha River is the Fox, considering the location cited as being near the old lighthouse. It is a sort of shorthand, as I have seen references to City Park in various local newspapers when the writer certainly meant Smith Park. I suppose this is okay though it could be confusing for out-of-towners. But then again, local mail used to be delivered with "City" written on the envelope in place of the city's name.
Friday, October 18, 2024
Investigagting (sic)
Thursday, October 17, 2024
Melee Revisited
October 28, 1930, Menasha Record
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Curb and Gutter
October 24, 1970, Appleton Post-Crescent
If I encountered this scene, I would have been just like that kid in the background, craning his neck to see what was going on and winding my way through the yards to get a close-up view. I recall many happy hours spent watching with utter fascination, the road crews in the summer doing what they likely felt to be the most mundane of tasks. I thought it was great theater.
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
October 27, 1930, Menasha Record
I guess Mrs. Miller was having a bad night, considering the damage she put upon the Menasha police station. One can only imagine the repair bills to be a part of her sentencing once a court date was set.
Monday, October 14, 2024
Columbus Day
October 12, 1935, Menasha Record
Back in the days when Columbus Day had the same cachet as Independence Day and Washington's Birthday, students would put on pageants and programs to commemorate the day. This, in 1935, is one example of such an agenda. Five months later, a devastating fire gutted the high school and led to the building of the new school on Seventh Street.
Friday, October 11, 2024
Right to Your Door
If you are free and in the area over October 11th and 12th, why not consider joining Menasha in celebrating its 150th birthday? It looks to be a great event, the final big blowout of this, its sesquicentennial year.Thursday, October 10, 2024
Trick or Treat for UNICEF
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
St. Mary's
If you are free and in the area over October 11th and 12th, why not consider joining Menasha in celebrating its 150th birthday? It looks to be a great event, the final big blowout of this, its sesquicentennial year.
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
October 7, 1981, Neenah-Menasha Daily Northwestern
Who of us, as we wound our way through grammar school, hadn't found him or herself pressing leaves between wax paper or in the pages of a book, getting them just so,for that upcoming leaf project that always seemed to accompany Autumn? It was as dependable as the sheafs of colorful construction paper and jars of school paste that occupied the classroom shelves.
Monday, October 7, 2024
October 7, 1981, Neenah-Menasha Daily Northwestern
Remember when we'd take photos to be processed and we marveled at the one-hour turn around time? Or being impresssed by receiving a free roll of film for just taking them in to be processed? Or receiving a free second set of prints? Today, we just take photos with that handy camera that's in our pocket always and we seldom print them out, being just content to show them off on our phone. I can't remember the last time I had a photo printed. What does that say about us?
Friday, October 4, 2024
Newlywed Turmoil
October 20, 1924, Menasha Record
From the "slow news day" file of the Menasha Record comes this frivolous story of an amorous motorist who ignited the ire of a motorcycle cop. Luckily, for our intrepid couple, the judge looked favorably upon their circumstance. Although, I suspect woe would have befallen them if they hadn't been hitched.