
Downtown 1958

Downtown 1958

Friday, January 4, 2019

The End of the Season

January 4, 1926, Menasha Record
Rarely have I featured a cartoon within the pages of this blog, and without a thorough checking, this might be the first time.   Despite that, this one-panel sums up the ending of the holidays- the wistful looks of dismay from the schoolboys as the tree departs, marking the end of another Christmas season.  In the Catholic world and in my own upbringing, my mother was insistent that the decorations stayed up until January 6th, Epiphany, or Three Kings Day, when the Magi were said to have visited the baby Jesus.  She always referred to the day as "Little Christmas," and to this day, my own family has maintained her tradition, much to the distress of my South Carolina neighbors who believe there is some stigma attached to having decorations around longer than the DAY AFTER Christmas!  My wife says that that is THEIR tradition.  What ever do they think the song, "The Twelve Days of Christmas," means?!

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