October 22, 1898, Menasha Evening Breeze (Library Edition)
Over the years, we've spoken about the original public library many, many times. But what I bring you today is something truly special. The above is a reproduction of the first page of a local Menasha newspaper commemorating the dedication of the original public library on Mill Street in 1898. The newspaper contains remarks from the mayor, M.M. Schoetz, and Mr. Elisha D. Smith, the library's benefactor. Additionally, you will find a chronology of the library's inception, a floor plan, a short biographical sketch of the first librarian, Miss Lucy Lee Pleasants, and other fascinating information. I urge you to click the link following or paste it into your browser to peruse this newspaper. There, you can zoom in freely. I cannot reproduce it here as well as at its actual web site, so please visit this site. You won't be disappointed.https://books.google.com/books?id=R99DLen7cWwC&pg=PA1&source=gbs_toc_r&cad=3#v=onepage&q&f=false
What an amazing find, thanks for putting it up on the Blog for us to read! I'm looking forward to reading it in more depth