
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Two Years Ago Today

Two years ago today I began this blog by posting this postcard photo.  My intention at the time was to just drum up some attention for a simple picture book I was having published to benefit the Menasha Historical Society.  But it soon became apparent that this blog was something more than a vehicle for publicity.  Yes, it served its purpose, but even after the initial interest for the book had faded, you came back again and again. 

Considering that I administer this all from my home in South Carolina, it can be challenging at times.  But because of the internet and email and Facebook, I am able to do this. I truly believe that in no other era could I be as successful at this as I am today. 

Many of you have told me how much you gain from this blog, but in reality, I am the true winner. Your comments, emails, and Facebook posts have helped to fuel my imagination and contribute ideas while I add to this blog each week.  Thank you for your continued support, enthusiasm, and friendship.


  1. What an outstanding book about a city. The photographs and the author's masterful way of weaving the story of Menasha are noteworthy of recognition by the community. I only visited Menasha twice years ago, but it brought back fond memories of a wonderful city. Hopefully there will be another volume on Menasha for all to enjoy!
    W.T. Door

  2. Thank you for posting all the neat information about the history of Menasha. I look forward to looking at this site on a regular basis since it is so neat to see how this area looked in the past.

  3. I loved the book as well and have passed it around to other family members. It's still hard to imagine a circus headquartered on Nicolet Blvd. and elephants plodding on down to the lake for a bath. I'd love to see a book post WWII.

  4. I've passed it to family as well! Love every bit of it...and I save all the pictures you post to a folder on my PC, too!

  5. As someone not born and raised in Menasha - but a transplant - I find it is fascinating to see how our forefathers designed the downtown business district where all roads led to the center square... the relocation of the Racine Street Bridge to the east, the 'new' Library location and demolition of the original landmark, the loss of historic homes, and the huge attendance at civic events and pride people held for Menasha . How times has changed - I hope future leaders think more about the long-term impact of the their decisions and less about immediate gratification; especially when it comes to preserving what little remains of historic structures (including the pending demise of the Hotel Menasha). Thank you for your impressive catalog of Menasha history - I truly enjoy all your efforts. Will you return to do a presentation?.

  6. I also visited Menasha, but it was a single trip in the 1950s with my parents to visit family friends for a few days. I find a common thread in the other comments made by current residents or visitors on this site. That is the need for a sequel to Mr. Galassie's outstanding book. Hopefully the Historical Society Members and City Leadership will also entertain this idea and see of he would be willing to write a sequel to the single volume that exists. Menasha has a wonderful history that needs to be told. Does anyone else agree with this thought?

  7. I think this is some outstanding work done by you. I look over these old pictures and, sometimes, my childhood memories are rekindled.

    Do you think you could dig up some stuff on Trinity Lutheran School? I think it's the only school you haven't done some history on.
