This particular Valentines Day fell right in the middle of what was termed the "golden age of postcards." The Universal Postal Congress decreed that government-issued postcards in the United States could contain messages on the address side beginning March 1, 1907. In line with these changes, the United States Congress passed an act which extended this to privately produced cards, thereby ushering in the "divided back" era of postcards, which lasted until World War I. On these cards, the back is divided into two sections: the left section is used for the message and the right for the address. Before that, the illustration had largely been marred by the sender's message, for there was no other place to write it.
A blog which supplements my two books, Menasha, and Neenah and Menasha: Twin Cities of the Fox Valley
Downtown 1958

Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
February 6, 1964, Twin City News-Record
Now here's a strange case, to say the least. Imagine finding something alien like that as you swim. I'm sure the robbers thought the register would be a part of the river for a long, long time to come.
Monday, January 29, 2024
Friday, January 26, 2024
Hey Pal!
January 27, 1931, Appleton Post-Crescent
Interesting list of pooch names. With the popularity of motion pictures, I'm surprised there wasn't a Rin Tin Tin in the bunch. Or even a Petey, the dog with the ring around his eye from the Little Rascals. (And you wondered where the Target dog got its inspiration, lol.) Toto wouldn't appear until 1939. And as for Lassie, she wouldn't come along until the mid-1940's.
Thursday, January 25, 2024
Libraries Three
January 14, 1899, Oshkosh Northwestern
Menasha was in good company with Appleton and Oshkosh in the public library sweepstakes. As fitting for the times, the buildings were classic and built to last, monuments to their respective towns and the envy of outliers. One wonders what Neenah felt like without a similar edifice.
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
What's In a Name
January 13, 1899, Appleton Post-Crescent
Interesting thought. But I am surprised the idea wasn't "Neenasha" or "Meenah." Of course, the simplest thing would have been to suggest "Neenah-Menasha" as a compromise. Hey, it works for Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Plucky Politicians
January 24, 1947, Appleton Post-Crescent
For a couple of local politicians who, by this time, must have been used to the "rubber chicken circuit," these two seemed to do an admirable job at plucking their own dinners. The two mayors proved themselves to be a couple of good eggs. (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)
Monday, January 22, 2024
Saturday Special
January 11, 1957, Appleton Post-Crescent
Good morning! I hope you all had a great weekend, to include dining out, if that was to your liking. Hopefully, you had a great "Saturday Special", although I'm sure you couldn't beat the 1957 prices as shown above, to include a "Big Beer" later. Ah, the good ol' days.
Friday, January 19, 2024
Bundled Up Against the Cold
January 26, 1983, Neenah-Menasha Daily Northwestern
I can remember wearing that safety patrol belt and how cold it could be out there letting kids cross Racine Street. Many thanks to all those dedicated kids (and adults) who did this necessary and often thankless chore.
Thursday, January 18, 2024
Menasha's Music Man
May 23, 1965, Appleton Post-Crescent
The blog post from a few days ago with the formation of the Menasha High School band, led me to this article. If you recall, that post contained an article listing another person as the bandmaster for the MHS band, a Mr. Mumm. A bit of research down the rabbit hole revealed Mr. Kraft as the true founder of the band. No reasons given for the original attributions to Mr. Mumm.
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
Unexpected Expectorating
December 17, 1913, Menasha Record
Yes, Menasha, a little more decorum here. Granted, this IS the golden age of chewing tobacco, cigars, and smoking of all kinds, but please! There are ladies present. Save it for the nearest spittoon. And, don't forget to tip your hat, as well.
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Monday, January 15, 2024
These Happy People....
Friday, January 12, 2024
Back to Prosperity
January 25, 1933, Menasha Record
I like how this retailer tied the Depression, the local paper mills, and its own business all together in this ad, giving its customers some hope for a better 1933. What better incentive to buy this product than knowing it was produced in the ol' home town, and by entities that cared about keeping its employees working? The Menasha Dry Goods Company was located at 219 Main Street in the Tuchscherer's block, across the street from Grove's Clothiers.
Thursday, January 11, 2024
Try One of Our Colorful Ties
Wednesday, January 10, 2024
January 28, 1983, Neenah-Menasha Daily Norhwestern
Except for the absence of the water tower, this view of Menasha from the Little Lake Butte des Morts bridge is much the same some forty years later.
Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Gone to the Dogs (and Bunnies)
January 30, 1970, Twin City News-Record
Well, winter is here and something has to be done with the snow. So, why not have a little fun with it? Besides, who couldn't use a little pick-me-up with a humorous creation to adorn the drab surroundings?
Monday, January 8, 2024
Harrison Reed
Friday, January 5, 2024
January 19, 1966, Twin City News-Record
Let's finish the first week of 2024 on a humorous note. Who knows what led to this "find" and I doubt we'll ever know. We'll just have to file this under the "Truth is Stranger than Fiction" section of the blog. Have a great weekend!
Thursday, January 4, 2024
Wednesday, January 3, 2024
Odd Stories
January 4, 1950, Oshkosh Northwestern
When was the last time you heard of a skeleton key being used for anything, much less the commission of a crime? Most people walking around today probably do not even know what that is. And young Mr. Ciske must have had no feeling in his feet to have missed something as big as a silver dollar in his sock. Trust me, I wouldn't have missed it
Tuesday, January 2, 2024
New Year's Greetings
Monday, January 1, 2024
Happy New Year!
December 29, 1969, Neenah-Menasha Northwestern
If it's a Menasha New Year's soiree, it must be time for dinner at the smorgasbord and dancing in the Red Bird Room. I'm still not sure why the "live" entertainment is in quotes, as if it really isn't live, but whatever. A guaranteed good time for all. I'm sure a good portion of those in attendance weren't aware of the entertainment as it were, as midnight approached.