A blog which supplements my two books, Menasha, and Neenah and Menasha: Twin Cities of the Fox Valley
Downtown 1958

Friday, July 29, 2022
Double Smash Program!
Thursday, July 28, 2022
Running It Out
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Making It Last
July 10, 1945, Menasha Record
Shortages for many things occurred during the Second World War, to include automobiles. Metals used for car manufacture were diverted to make airplanes, tactical vehicles and armaments to supply the troops engaged in fighting in the two theaters. So it's no wonder the oil companies of America saw fit to engage the public in encouraging the care and upkeep of the vehicles the public already possessed. It was not only a patriotic thing to do but also good business for the car care companies. This company took a humorous bent on the topic. But did cars of that era REALLY require an oil change every 1,000 miles?
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
WWII Paper Drive
Monday, July 25, 2022
It's the Taste That Tells...
January 27, 1945, Menasha Record
Local favorite, Gear Dairy brings us Krim-Ko chocolate flavored dairy drink. Though I had no direct experience with the drink, one suspects that it somehow doesn't fit the Wisconsin definition of "milk" or it certainly would have been touted as such. Perhaps it was more like today's Yahoo? Whatever the case, my research indicates that the Krim-Ko company marketed its syrups all across the country to local dairies for them to concoct this beverage for their customers, sort of like the licensing agreement the early Kentucky Fried Chicken company had with restaurants, like Marc's Big Boy for instance, before they decided to open their own free-standing restaurants.
Friday, July 22, 2022
Moonlight Sailing
Thursday, July 21, 2022
Just Doing My Job...
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Soon to Be Food Store
July 9, 1958, Twin City News-Record
66K seems like a bargain to build a grocery store, but then again, this is 1958 dollars. The real measure, per the internet's convenient inflation calculator, is more like 10 times more. For those who don't remember, the Red Owl was adjacent to Hart Park and from time to time, I could play on the playground while my parents shopped. And yes, I was unattended. Sadly, we all know that wouldn't fly today.
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Taking a Break....
Monday, July 18, 2022
They Didn't Like Us....
July 10, 1958, Twin City News-Record
Surely these folks DID arise on the wrong side of the bed. What were they expecting Whitefish Bay or some other tony Milwaukee enclave? Still, I give credit to the editor of the News-Record for sticking up for Menasha and giving the prudent, civic-minded, diplomatic response. I wonder if they ever came back, or, for that matter, if they ever saw the editor's rebuttal. Perhaps not, if their newspaper had been cancelled as they'd requested.
Friday, July 15, 2022
Looking for Bargains
Thursday, July 14, 2022
We Don't Monkey Around
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
Also Serving Frogurt...
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
A Four and a Half Foot Tall Toothache
Monday, July 11, 2022
Beat the Heat...Any Way You Can
Friday, July 1, 2022
July 8, 1957, Appleton Post-Crescent
Late '50s Menasha residents view the fireworks from Jefferson Park. I lived down Second Street from the park and could see a lot of it from my house, though many of the trees obliterated the view somewhat. I love seeing the fashions of the time. Today, I doubt you'd see so many dresses or skirts.
At this time, let me offer you my best wishes for a Happy Fourth of July celebration. Be very careful if you blow off any fireworks.
I'm going to take a week off from the blog, so look for me to return on July 11th. See you then!