A blog which supplements my two books, Menasha, and Neenah and Menasha: Twin Cities of the Fox Valley
Downtown 1958

Thursday, June 30, 2022
Happy Times
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
Just You Wait...
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Early Fox Valley
Monday, June 27, 2022
Lost Lake Meaning
Friday, June 24, 2022
Scout Around
Thursday, June 23, 2022
Back in Time
June 3, 1998, Twin City News-Record
Periodically, we look back at several decades, thanks to the good folks at the News-Record. Today, among other things, we get the Spanish-American War news, some picnicking advice, and a further remark about yesterday's reported "bargain day" in Menasha.
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Bargain Day
June 5, 1923, Menasha Record
Today we feature an unabashed "fan" letter from a citizen of his day, visibly proud of his city's latest venture, a "bargain day" to draw outsiders into the Menasha fold. And the writer offers a grand suggestion to keep up the momentum- having a weekly band concert as a draw to get outside people into town and henceforth boost retail efforts in the downtown.
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Flag Day
Monday, June 20, 2022
Jefferson Park Idyll
Friday, June 17, 2022
A Whale of a Gift
June 12, 1966, Appleton Post-Crescent
The good folks at Valley Fair and the Post-Crescent remind you that Father's Day is just around the corner. And while Valley Fair is no longer an option, the PC still is out there and I'll bet today's edition is chock full of ads for the day. And hey, this time, the date actually matches. How about that.
Thursday, June 16, 2022
Mama Loves Papa
June 17, 1966, Neenah-Menasha Daily Northwestern
Menasha's oldest bank puts forth a goodwill effort to wish Dad a Happy Father's Day. And considering that dads in the mid 1960s likely ARE the chief customers of this financial institution, they do themselves a service keeping Joe Average in the limelight. Good marketing it is.
Wednesday, June 15, 2022
Good Ol' Log Cabin....
May 18, 1969, Appleton Post-Crescent
We feature this article to remember that Menasha wasn't always filled with the homes we see today lining the streets, despite some of the historical ones we still have from the late 19th century. No, log cabins were the first shelters for Menasha's pioneers. This story tells it better than I ever could.
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
Trying Their Luck
June 21, 1975, Neenah-Menasha Daily Northwestern
From The Golden Northwest by James Maitland, Chicago: The Rollins Publishing Company, 1879.
"Menasha is a picturesque town which is situated at the foot of Lake Winnebago, where it finds its outlet through the Fox River. The charming little body of water known as Lake Butte des Morts, just southwest washes the confines of the place. Between the beauties and advantages of these lakes and the river, the visitor has opportunities of the best sort to indulge his taste for fishing, hunting, boating or sailing, to his heart's content."
So, after almost a hundred years after those words were first written, Menasha still fulfilled this writer's vision of the city. And today, after another almost fifty years on top of it, the conclusion still stands.
Monday, June 13, 2022
June 21, 1975, Neenah-Menasha Daily Northwestern
Starting the week with some whimsy. If this picture doesn't say 1970's/early 1980's, I don't know what else does. From the hair to the clothes, these guys have the look. I can almost see Jeff Spicoli from Fast Times in search of some "tasty waves" riding behind these two....
Friday, June 10, 2022
Sunday Menu
Thursday, June 9, 2022
Every Monday and Tuesday!
Wednesday, June 8, 2022
June 1, 1933, Appleton Post-Crescent
Crazy happenings in Menasha in 1933 (see yesterday's fortune telling scam story.) First off, I cannot believe the Federal government today would provide such a service for such a grievous mistake. And then, it begs the question---who in their right mind would toss a bankbook into a fire without at least glancing through it to see what's inside? It's not like tossing away an old newspaper. Wow.
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
On the Lam
June 28, 1933, Appleton Post-Crescent
As the saying goes, if something is too good to be true, it usually is. Now, $3 doesn't sound like all that much to lose but in the throes of the Depression, it was a considerable amount. Adjusted for inflation, the buying power for $3.00 in 1933 is equal to $63.85 in 2022. I wonder how often this scam succeeded around the valley.
Monday, June 6, 2022
Pamper Your Appetite!
Friday, June 3, 2022
June 14, 1968, Oshkosh Northwestern
As with yesterday's review of George Banta's life and company, this article about Nathan Calder appeared in the same edition of the Northwestern newspaper, celebrating its first 100 years of existence. Coach Calder was first reviewed in 2012: https://menashabook.blogspot.com/2012/09/calder-stadium-dedication.html.
Thursday, June 2, 2022
How it Began
June 14, 1968, Oshkosh Northwestern
This great summation of George Banta's life and company appears in an edition of the Northwestern newspaper, celebrating its first 100 years of existence. As was the practice of the day, big events such as anniversaries necessitated a special edition with many stories about surrounding communities and their achievements. We saw this during the 1948 celebration of Wisconsin's statehood and again in 1953 during Menasha's centennial. Mr. Banta was first reviewed in 2012: https://menashabook.blogspot.com/2012/06/george-banta.html but doing a search for "Banta" at the blog will merit many posts about the company and its workers.
Wednesday, June 1, 2022
Exciting Summer
June 1, 1963, Appleton Post-Crescent
June 14, 1963, Appleton Post-Crescent