A blog which supplements my two books, Menasha, and Neenah and Menasha: Twin Cities of the Fox Valley
Downtown 1958

Friday, March 31, 2017
A Look Back- A Salute to Menasha's Pioneering Spirit
With the fifth anniversary of the blog coming up in late April, I thought it appropriate to go back in time, if you will, and revisit some past postings. This one is from 2012...
This scene depicts the partially completed US Government Canal as it appeared in 1856. The then-Village of Menasha and site of the present day marina are on the left and the Menasha Wooden Ware is at the right. This print was offered for sale by the Menasha Corporation (successor to the Menasha Wooden Ware) at the opening of the marina, May 16, 1987.
Thursday, March 30, 2017
To Mr. and Mrs. Neenah-Menasha and Family
September 24, 1959, Appleton Post-Crescent
January 21, 1960, Appleton Post-Crescent
Being from the younger set, this restaurant and its innovative mobile delivery service was completely off my radar, but lo and behold, the place apparently made a run for it between 1958 and January,1961. That's when classified ads began to appear, stating that the business would be perfect for a young couple to take over the business. $7,000 would cover it, the ad read.
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Camper Show
March 27, 1968, Appleton Post-Crescent
Wherever there's a large public space, shows like this will always follow. And if it wasn't craft fairs and car shows, it was campers, boats and outdoor living, or the amusement rides in the parking lot several times per year. The managers of Valley Fair made good use of its space in its heyday. (And despite the bad reproduction here, the disembodied head of the glum woman is really part of that fantastic third prize, the Porta-Sauna Health Bath.)
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Added at Becher's
March 17, 1959, Appleton Post-Crescent
In the golden age of hi-fi, Becher's made its own attempt to compete with that well-known appliance store at the other end of Main Street by adding Emerson to its product mix.
Monday, March 27, 2017
Broad Street
Perspective is a bit off, but this shows the Broad Street alley in 1984 and in present day. The recent addition of the high rise office building on Main necessitated the construction of the parking ramp on Broad.
first photo by Peter James Adams & Assoc, Neenah, WI
second photo by Guy Cleveland
first photo by Peter James Adams & Assoc, Neenah, WI
second photo by Guy Cleveland
Friday, March 24, 2017
A Look Back - A Welcoming, Festive Downtown
With the fifth anniversary of the blog coming up in late April, I thought it appropriate to go back in time, if you will, and revisit some past postings. This one from 2013 features a festive look for downtown....
Raiding our postcard collection once again earns us this view of downtown in the throes of welcoming conventioneers to town. See the banners and bunting and festive flags flying off the business fronts. Judging from the condition of the street and this lady's mode of dress, I judge this view to be pre-1910 or thereabouts since the street appears to be unpaved.
There was a lot of civic pride and outward synergy in the city during the early 20th century that was expressed in hosting conventions and band competitions that brought statewide and even national attention. The cover of the Menasha book, is reminiscent of this time period when the city hosted an Elks convention in June of 1910 and put its proverbial best foot forward by paving Main Street.
Raiding our postcard collection once again earns us this view of downtown in the throes of welcoming conventioneers to town. See the banners and bunting and festive flags flying off the business fronts. Judging from the condition of the street and this lady's mode of dress, I judge this view to be pre-1910 or thereabouts since the street appears to be unpaved.
There was a lot of civic pride and outward synergy in the city during the early 20th century that was expressed in hosting conventions and band competitions that brought statewide and even national attention. The cover of the Menasha book, is reminiscent of this time period when the city hosted an Elks convention in June of 1910 and put its proverbial best foot forward by paving Main Street.
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Saturday Night Special
March 14, 1975, Appleton Post-Crescent
Sounding more like an illicit handgun than a dining option, the Left Guard provides its signature special...the broiled lobster tail and tenderloin steak at $5.95 for a "complete" dinner. Or, if that doesn't meet your fancy, there's the "complete" broiled lobster tail dinner at the same price. Not sure what the difference is in the two options, but I'm sure Fuzzy and company knew what it all meant.
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
April 10, 1973, Neenah-Menasha Daily Northwestern
The news this day brought out this account of the resistance of Old Man Winter from releasing the Fox Valley from its winter bonds, and also this intriguing train derailment. The supposition is that the six inches of snow had no effect on the trains, with nary a mention in that story of the weather conditions.
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
The "Big One"
April 7, 1966, Neenah-Menasha Daily Northwestern
Dear readers, do any of you know what happened to this log? After this date, news coverage seemed to vanish completely. Did it ever make it to Smith Park? I don't recall it there but then again, I haven't been to the park in several years either. I am sure the moving/donation of the log was related to relocating Menasha Corporation's headquarters south of Neenah on Hwy 41.
Monday, March 20, 2017
Post Office Lobby
US Post Office, Menasha Wisconsin, August 1985, Lobby Interior
The post office was dedicated in July, 1933 and these photos, taken over some fifty years later do not belie the origins of this grand building. Ornate iron works and columnar pedestals for glass-topped lobby tables are just some of the features that date this fine old building which is the oldest post-office building still in operation in the Fox Valley.
Friday, March 17, 2017
Leprechauns on the Loose!
March 15, 1976, Appleton Post-Crescent
Whatever your personal situation, Memorial Florists had you covered in '76. And as the ad says, regardless of your nationality, a Happy St. Patrick's Day to you all!
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Break Up
March 19, 1966, Twin City News-Record
Presaging the coming of Spring, some 51 years ago, Mother Nature did her thing, albeit, a bit earlier than usual, with disastrous results.
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Just Ducky
April 25, 1964, Oshkosh Daily Northwestern
With Easter on its way, it's refreshing to find a "happy ending" to a story of giving baby chicks or ducklings at Easter time. I don't think the practice is as prevalent as it once was, what with repeated warnings from PETA and humane societies everywhere that this isn't a good idea, but at least, Peep Peep, as he was known, found a good home. And, became a media star in a simpler time. (Can you imagine his fame nowadays with Facebook and other social media documenting his every move?!)
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Irate Poodle
March 9, 1965, Neenah-Menasha Daily Northwestern
We first featured this story last summer. The article references the news piece featured then, which was dated from November of 1964. Our canine friends receive equal time in this humorous story, though the reality is that it must have been a slow news day..
Monday, March 13, 2017
Captains Corner
March 9, 1969, Appleton Post-Crescent
I must admit, I was oblivious to all this activity at Captains Corner. It was enough adventure to run across Third Street from school at St. Mary's to get my hair cut at this place! If anything I took from the experience was that when my haircut was done, the barber didn't use a brush. Instead, he'd switch on this vacuum hose attachment to clean up those loose hairs off the back of my neck. I thought that was the coolest thing. In later years, the whole operation moved to that curve where Appleton Road met De Pere Street, where there had been a gas station.
Friday, March 10, 2017
Church History
March 22, 1963, Oshkosh Daily Northwestern
We've visited this church before, in the blog and the book. But the article above discloses much more of its rich history, from Menasha's earliest days. Though the denomination has changed, the building still stands today.
Thursday, March 9, 2017
"Up Front" Where They Belong!
March 16, 1962, Oshkosh Daily Northwestern
Without its own newspaper for many years, the Twin Cities always seemed to play second fiddle to our neighbors to the north and south. While The Post-Crescent carried Neenah-Menasha news stories on a regular basis and in a more in-depth manner in the weekly Twin City News Record supplement, the Northwestern embraced Neenah-Menasha in a way the other paper did not. In 1964, this edition would be renamed the Neenah-Menasha Daily Northwestern.
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Creamery Journal
Creamery Journal, Vol XXXII, No. 5, April 1, 1921
Featured in one of the trade journals of the day comes this striking black and white advertisement for the Menasha Printing and Carton Company. Yes, we spoke of this endeavor a little less than three weeks ago, but I found this ad so dynamic, I just had to share it. Bounding over the static nature of house ads of its day, these marketers presented the company's wares in an innovative manner. I trust the firm kept them on to do further work, for this is award-winning stuff for the 1920's.
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Butter Tub Production
This photo shows one phase of butter tub production at the old Wooden Ware plant in Menasha. The woman on the right is moving bundles of staves for the tubs. They are made from Sitka Spruce, a wood that is relatively free from flavor and makes attractive containers. We've talked about butter tubs in the past: http://menashabook.blogspot.com/2012/05/butter-tubs.html
Monday, March 6, 2017
Wooden Ware Band
In an time when social clubs were all the rage, companies and other entities had bands to support the well-being of their employees. Many fire departments, big and small, had bands, and community bands, indicative of the city or town, were also in vogue. Modern American community bands were rooted in European tradition. Immigrants, like the Germans who settled in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Wisconsin brought the band tradition with them to the US.
Community bands experienced a great dying out after the end of World War I, victims of the automobile, new mass media, and a large cultural shift. This actually led to a rise in school music programs. The death of community bands left instrument manufacturers without a market for their product, so they marketed heavily to schools.
Community bands experienced a great dying out after the end of World War I, victims of the automobile, new mass media, and a large cultural shift. This actually led to a rise in school music programs. The death of community bands left instrument manufacturers without a market for their product, so they marketed heavily to schools.
Friday, March 3, 2017
Village Inn
March 8, 1968, Appleton Post-Crescent
I'd almost forgotten about this pizza parlor, having known this location as the Brat und Brau in the early 1970's. In its heyday, the Brat und Brau featured live entertainment, a tradition evidently originated by the Village Inn, as seen here in this ad.
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Thinking of Spring
May 12, 1973, Appleton Post-Crescent
Not the greatest photo, but the sentiment is here. How soon before we can see such an activity in our shirt sleeves, with the sun shining down, and the spring air blowing in our faces? Venturing forth from the tight grip of our long winter's funk, it is a rebirth to our souls.
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Shining Rails
January 23, 1975, Appleton Post-Crescent
Long past its heyday in railroad usage, Menasha kept its railroad history alive in the guise of the Shining Rails Dining Room in the Hotel Menasha. Seeing as the hotel was the birthplace, so to speak, of railroading in the community (as memorialized with a plaque outside the building), the theme made a lot of sense. Regardless of its name over the years, it still maintained its famous Friday evening smorgasbord.
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