house at 98 Broad Street was built between 1870 and 1874 by Adolph Wahle
ADOLPH WAHLE, a well known flour and feed dealer of
Menasha, was born in the city of Niedermarsberg, province of
Westphalia, Prussia, September 4, 1838, son of Anton and Frederica Wahle. His
father and mother were natives of Prussia, in which the former died in
1861, and where the latter is still living. He attended school between the
ages of six and fourteen, and soon after quitting school he began to learn
cabinet-making. At the end of three years he passed a successful
examination, and at then age of nineteen he began to learn the trade of a millwright.
He worked at this in summer and in winter was employed at architecture and
draughting, and continued in that way three years. This brought him
up to the year 1860, when he returned home, and for a period of seven
years operated a grist mill which was owned by his father, and which was
left by him when he died, in 1861. In 1867 he emigrated to America, and
after a few weeks spent visiting friends in New York city and Buffalo, N.
Y., he came to Wisconsin and joined his brother, Frank Wahle, at
Stevens Point. A few weeks later he accompanied his brother to Oshkosh, where
the latter built the present Union brewery of that city. Our subject,
however, did not remain at Oshkosh, but in the course of a few days he
went to Menasha and there became employed in a grist-mill. At the end of
three years he became one of the owners of a grist-nill at that plce.
His partner's name was Alexander McGinty. After renting a mill two years,
they purchased the Coral Flouring Mill at Menasha, and operated it until the
fall of 1881 when they sold it to Alexander Syme. That same year, Wahle, along with McGinty, would receive a
patent for an improvement in roller-grinding milling of cereals. In the meantime in
the latter part of 1879, and the early part of 1880, they built a grist-mill at Marinette, this state, to which
place Mr. Wahle, moved and took charge of the property in the fall of 1881. In
1886 he sold his interest in that property and at once returned to
Menasha. On July 1st, 1887, he opened up a flour and feed store in Menasha,
which he has since conducted. He was married in June, 1868, to Matilda
Muelenbein, who is also a native of the city of Niedermarsberg, Prussia,
born in 1839, daughter of Bernhard and Gertrude Muelenbein. Mr. and Mrs. Wahle
were acquainted in the old country, and were engaged to be
married before the former eame to America. It was arranged by them that Mr.
Wahle should find a home for himself in America and then send for his
future wife, which he did. They have had three children: Minnie, Katie
and Rosa, of whom Rosa died in childhood. Mr. and Mrs. Wahle are
members of the Catholic church. He belongs to the Catholic Knights, and
in politics is a staunch democrat. He possesses industry, honesty and
integrity, and other qualities which are necessary to an upright and
successful life. He is a genial, sociable man and a first class citizen.
died in 1901.
from Randall, Geo. A. / Illustrated Atlas of Winnebago
County, Wisconsin : containing outline map of the county, map of each township
in the county, with village and city plats. (1889)
US Patent Office graphic of Adolph Wahle's patent